Ask One Senior Place: Is There One Medicare Plan for Everyone?
Brenda Lyle - Florida Today Q: Is There One Medicare Plan for Everyone? A: Open enrollment for Medicare is right around the corner. This is ...More
Brenda Lyle - Florida Today Q: Is There One Medicare Plan for Everyone? A: Open enrollment for Medicare is right around the corner. This is ...More
Brenda Lyle - Hometown News Q: Does Medicare cover mental health treatment? A: Mental health issues have exploded during the pandemic, particularly for seniors. Many ...More
Medicare Open Enrollment is an important time to review options to determine which available plan is right for you. When can you join, switch, or ...More
Brenda Lyle - Hometown News Q: Can I get dental care if I'm on Medicare? A: The short answer? Medicare doesn’t cover routine dental care. ...More
Barbara Fradkin - FLORIDA TODAY Q: Should I change my plan during Medicare Open Enrollment? A: This is a great question, and one that comes ...More
MIKE GAFFEY - VIERA VOICE, August 30, 2021 Advances in technology are making a major difference in the lives of millions of American adults suffering ...More
Barbara Fradkin - Hometown News Q: Does Medicaid have a long-term care program that will help me at home? A: This column is the third ...More
Barbara Fradkin - Hometown News Can someone to explain Medicaid to me? How do I know if I qualify? First, let's define Medicaid and Medicare, ...More
Brenda Lyle - Special to FLORIDA TODAY Q: If my doctor suggests medical marijuana will Medicare cover the cost? A: The short answer is: no. Cannabis, ...More
Barbara Fradkin - Special to HOMETOWN NEWS Reader Question: My husband refuses to get medical checkups. What should I do? Answer: In the U.S., men die ...More