Ask One Senior Place: When Should I Buy Long-Term Care Insurance?
Don Kramer - FLORIDA TODAY Q: When Should I Buy Long-Term Care Insurance? A: Knowing when to invest in long-term care insurance is an important ...More
Don Kramer - FLORIDA TODAY Q: When Should I Buy Long-Term Care Insurance? A: Knowing when to invest in long-term care insurance is an important ...More
Barbara Fradkin - Hometown News Q: My Dad needs social interaction. What can we do? A: It's sad to say, but elders who experience loneliness ...More
Brenda Lyle - Florida Today Q: What are the vacation options for seniors? A: Senior travel is exploding! Retirement offers travel opportunities that are not tied ...More
Lisa Conway - FLORIDA TODAY Q: February is 'Heart Month,' right? Any tips for heart health? A: Yes, February is American Heart Month! And the ...More
One Senior Place Welcomes New Director BREVARD — 2023 is now fully underway and, as always, accompanied by an overall feeling of newness. Resolutions are ...More
Barbara Fradkin - Hometown News Can you explain hospice and palliative care? I often discuss hospice and palliative care with clients who are terminally ill ...More
Barbara Fradkin - FLORIDA TODAY Q: I love the different programs at One Senior Place. Have you ever thought about presentations by a nurse that ...More
Brenda Lyle - Florida Today Q: Why does "self care" matter if I'm a caregiver to someone else? A: When we travel on an airplane, ...More