MobileMedix Plus

  1. MobileMedix Plus
1183, Windermere, FL, United States 34786

Studies reveal that we prefer to age in our own homes and neighborhoods. We also like to avoid going to the emergency department or hospital. Since 2017, over 30,000 individuals in our care at MobileMedix Plus have been able to live independently with support in their own home. Here is how it works. Each MobileMedix Plus paramedic makes weekly or monthly home visits, arriving by personal car to manage chronic health, check home safety, provide self-care education, and socialize. Because the same paramedic visits regularly, he or she gets to know the individual and any caregivers. Any health condition changes are noted and shared with the individual’s private physician for care plan adjustment. With our expert guidance, individuals learn how best to manage their chronic health conditions. Living quarters are checked for any safety issues needing correction. Any other needs impacting health including inability to get to physician appointments, high utility bills, or a lack of sufficient food are addressed when identified by the paramedic. Those we serve commonly live independently with congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, arthritis, or asthma. Our paramedics all hold national certification and have completed Level 2 background checks. Most have worked for years in hospitals and medical transport. If you or your loved ones desire to continue to age in a familiar home and neighborhood, MobileMedix Plus may provide that opportunity. Call 800.882.6769 or visit our website to arrange for an initial home visit that includes a health and home assessment and service evaluation.

Contact Information
Phone: 8008826769