Care Management Services:
Our professional Care Managers advocate on behalf of patients/clients through a professional and collaborative process that assesses, plans, implements, coordinates, monitors, and evaluates the options and services required to meet an individual’s health needs.
- Support for client and family to improve patient care and reduce the need for medical services by helping clients effectively manage health conditions
- Weekly/monthly medication management
- Assist and follow-up with doctor appointments
- Weekly/monthly nurse visits
- Individual care plan created by nurse in collaboration with client and family
- Care Managers typically spend 10 hours initially to complete the assessment, maintain medical records, reconcile medication list and follow up with doctors
- Transitional Care Management – Services to help with transition to the community setting following discharge from hospital/SNF, work with MD and ancillary services to prevent readmission to the hospital
- Chronic Care Management For clients with chronic conditions, to help coordinate care, medical appointments, follow-up to enable client to stay in their home or preferred living option.
- Review and Assist with Long Term Insurance Company – Assist with paperwork, help set up claim, referrals to elder law attorneys or guardians
Why Use Care Management?
- Family member is unable to live safely in their current living environment
- Family is “burned out” or confused about care solutions
- Family has limited time and/or expertise in dealing with loved one’s chronic care needs
- Family is at odds regarding care decisions
- Client is confused about his/her own financial and or legal situation
- Family needs education and or direction in dealing with behaviors associated with dementia
- Family lives at a distance from client
To schedule a free consultation or for more information about Senior Partner’s care management services call (321) 323-7360.